Saturday, February 3, 2007


VOICE OF AMERICA (VOA) URDU TV(English Translation)

FEB 02, 2007



Aniqa Usman (Principal Host- Anchor): Recently, the United States repeatedly accused Iran of involvement in the violent acts in Iraq. In the opinion of the independent analysts the US should refrain from issuing harsh statements and rather solve the matters through a dialogue. For a discussion on these issues, let’s go to Kakob Farshouri.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Thank you Aniqa. The viewers, for a discussion of the latest American policy towards Iran and future relations between the two countries, we have invited two guests in our studios. Let me introduce them to you. We have Dr. Hasan-Askari, who is now days in Washington as a scholar at SAIS and present is Dr. Farooq Hasnat, a scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. We are thankful for their presence. Dr. Hasnat, how would you like to comment on the American posture towards Iran?

Dr. Farooq Hasnat (MEI): For last few months the Bush administration has exerted tremendous pressure on Iran - militarily, financially and politically. This attitude is against the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. The Group asked for a dialogue and to settle the affairs of the Middle East. The (US) administration’s policy is also against the wishes of its public opinion, which is against any further confrontation in the region and would like to see the American troops back from Iraq. There exists a contradiction: on one side there is administration and on the other are the Congress and the public opinion.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Public opinion is mentioned, which is reflected in the media. In today’s New York Time, Thomas Freedmen writes that the US should engage Iran through its civil society. How would you evaluate this comment?

Dr. Hasan-Askari Rizvi (SAIS): This point-of-view is correct because there are various sectors and opinions in a society. You can put across your point of view if you have a dialogue and establish relations with them. The existing tensions between Iran and the US can be reduced in this way.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Dr. Hasnat, how would Iran react if the Americans approach Iran through its civil society, as mentioned in the article, by granting visas to the Iranian students?

Dr. Farooq Hasnat (MEI): In my opinion Iran will not take it positively. What is the hindrance in talking to the Iranian government, directly or indirectly, as the Congress has repeatedly asked for? If they (US administration) make any attempt to approach directly to the Iranian public opinion, like granting of visas, it would be viewed there that President Bush’s agenda of regime change is being unfolded, for which the U.S. administration had allocated millions of dollars. This would create misunderstandings and, instead of gains, there could be negative fallout.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Up till now we have talked about the American policy towards Iran. What in your opinion is Iran’s policy towards the United States?

Dr. Hasan-Askari Rizvi (SAIS): At this moment Iran’s policy is similar to that of the Americans, as they have heightened the tempo of verbal confrontation. There is a need for two things. First, the level of confrontation should be lowered. As long as the level of confrontation is not lowered you cannot approach the Iranian society. Secondly, it is important for Iran to avoid getting isolated in the international system. In the present circumstances, if a country gets isolated, it cannot play any role and it becomes easier to impose sanctions (against that country). It is necessary for Iran to pay attention towards this factor.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Dr. Hasnat, the Americans are apprehensive about Iran’s support for such groups in Iraq which harm the American troops. How much truth do you find in this allegation?

Dr. Farooq Hasnat (MEI): First, there was a pressure on the nuclear program, now when things are getting bad in Iraq, this allegation has been levelled against Iran. I don’t think that Bush administration has any evidence of Iran’s interference. If Iran interferes in Iraq its negative repercussions would be on Iran, as well. Iran would never like to destabilize Iraq. Secondly, the Iraqi regime has good relations with the Iranians and they would not destabilize this regime in Iraq.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Pakistan’s relations with the US are that of an ally while Iran is a brotherly neighboring country. How would the US policy towards Iran affect Pakistan?

Dr. Hasan-Askari Rizvi (SAIS): The confrontation between the Americans and Iran is a cause of worry for Pakistan. If tension increases in the region Pakistan is affected because Pakistan is an ally of the US. If there is any attack on Iran, there will be a strong reaction on the Pakistani society and politics. In this case the extremist forces in Pakistan and other Islamic countries will be further strengthened. Therefore, Pakistan will desire that the tension between Iran and the Americans is reduced.

Kakob Farshouri (VOA): Dr. Askari and Dr. Hasnat, I am thankful to you both for visiting our studios.

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